Irish Interest Group

Céad míle fáilte
About Us
First-generation American Edward Francis Maloney, WWI portrait, ca 1919, Virginia. Courtesy of the Maloney Family.
The Southern California Genealogical Society's Irish Interest Group is dedicated to promoting interest in and supporting those who are researching their Celtic heritage. This includes all whose ancestors ever lived in Ireland, be they Anglo, Norman, or Scots-Irish. From the earliest times, people came from distant places to settle in Ireland. Many moved back and forth across the sea periodically. When times were tough, many left Ireland and settled here in America and Canada while others sailed to Australia and other places. It is our aim to bridge the gap from our ancestors' world to our own. We welcome those whose ancestors ever set foot in Ireland and stayed for even the shortest amount of time.
Meets: Online, the 5th Sunday of the month (check calendar)
Contact: irishinterestgroup@gmail.com for more information.