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List of Protocols

A Guide to the SCGS Library Classification System

The SCGS library uses a modified Dewey classification system to organize its book collections. For putting all categories of books in order, our system uses the basic three-digit Dewey number plus one digit after the decimal point and then adds a two- or three-letter abbreviation. (Occasionally, there will be two digits after the denial point.)





Since the majority of the books in the SCGS library are in geographic location categories, the letters are the abbreviations for countries and their subdivisions, which may be states or provinces.






In the United States section (the bulk of the library), there are six regional designations. There are also other two-letter codes, such as NA for Native Americans:




After that first line of numbers plus letters, the next (up to) three lines may be either a smaller location within the state or province or a topic, such as archive, court, history, vitals. The position on the label of the "/" is very important to the order of the books.


The key to the book labels and organization is Category (Location) /Topic


If the location is only that first line (the Dewey number plus letters) with /Topic on the next line, then the topic applies to the whole state (or province) or a region of the state larger than a single county. Such a region might be a river valley or a group of counties.






If the location has two lines before the /Topic, the second line is the name of a county, the topics apply to that county. Counties are filed alphabetically after the statewide books.










If the location has three lines, the third line is a city or town within that county, and the topics apply to that city or town.Towns are filed alphabetically within their county.











979.9 GBa/GUIDE
Fri., June 20
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Thu., June 19
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Sat., June 28
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
Wed., July 6
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
974.4 MA
975.5 VA
978.2 NE
977.7 IA
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
942.0 ENG(land)
971.0 CAN(ada)
971.4 QUE(bec)
973.0 USA
979.4 CA
Fri., June 20
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Thu., June 19
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Sat., June 28
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
Wed., July 6
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
929.3 FH (Family History)
250.0 REL (Religion)
369.0 HS (Heriditary Societies)
Fri., June 20
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Thu., June 19
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Sat., June 28
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
Wed., July 6
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
974.0 NEa (Northeastern)
975.0SEa (Southeastern)
976.0 SCe (South Central)
977.0 NCe (North Central)
978.0 WUn (Western U.S. (Plains-Rockies)
979.0 GBa (Great Basin-Pac Slope)
Fri., June 20
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Thu., June 19
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Sat., June 28
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
Wed., July 6
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
974.4 MA
976.7 AR
979.4 CA
979.4 CA
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
The Academy, L.A
Book It
Bamboo, Santa Barbara
Book It
Cheers, Santa Cruz
Book It
The Roxy, San Francisco
Book It
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417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504-2408 | 818.843.7247 | scgs@scgsgenealogy

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