SCGS Family Research Library
Collection Highlights
SCGS's library holds volumes from every state in the United States and many family histories. Come in and enjoy a day working on our library's five new high-speed computers, four microfiche readers, or three microfilm readers. We also have a film/fiche reader-scanner which allows printing or transferring to your own USB drive of pages on the films/fiches. Computer print-outs are just 25 cents and photocopies 15 cents (pay when you leave, no coin machines).
While researching at the SCGS Library, members have free internet access on the Society's computers. There are also wireless connections for patron's laptop and notebook computers. The facility has two restrooms, an indoor eating area including a refrigerator and microwave, free parking, and nearby restaurants.
SCGS has genealogy computer program interest groups for Family Tree Maker, Master Genealogist, Legacy Family Tree, and Roots Magic.
Our Collection of Publications also includes (in alphabetical order):
Alabama Records by Pauline Jones Gandrud, 245 volumes
This collection contains genealogical research notes covering 1820-1880, including county data, church and marriage records, family histories, and other information created and gathered by this Alabama genealogist. The collection also contains a list of military pension and bounty land applications.
Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Volumes 1—43
This is an index to and transcription of most Connecticut towns' vital (birth, marriage, death) records from the town's inception to about 1850. There are two parts to the collection: a statewide surname index and a bound volume for each town.
Books and Manuscripts in the collection: 20,000 to 30,000
Boston Evening Transcripts (early Boston newspaper genealogical column)
A collection of genealogical Q&As clipped from the Boston Evening Transcript.
California Death Index 1930-1994
California Marriage Index 1960-1985
CDs: Over 1,000, including Family Tree Maker, Family History Library, Heritage Quest, 1880 census, etc.
Confederate Veteran
Magazine in 40 bound volumes covering 1893-1932, published by the National Historical Society.
Family Histories
Our library has an estimated 2,500 books and 2,600 manuscripts.
Family History Library IGI and Family History Catalog
International Genealogical Index (IGI) index of birth and marriage registers from all over the world.
Filby's Passenger Lists
Published arrival records of about 500,000 passengers who came to the United States and Canada in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.
French-Canadian Heritage Society of California Collection (Tanguay, Red Drouin, Blue Drouin, PRDH, Loiselle, Microfiche of marriage records of 1,000 parishes)
German Genealogical Society of America Collection
More than 3,000 volumes are available courtesy of SCGS and its German Interest Group.
Genealogical Society of Hispanic America Collection
Los Angeles City Historical Society Collection
Los Angeles County Civil Filings 1979-1988
Manuscript files: 1,500
Massachusetts Town Vital Records
Michigan Pioneer Collection
Collections of the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan together with reports of county pioneer societies.
Microfiche collection
New England Historic Genealogical Society Series, 150 volumes
Published quarterly since 1847, the New England Historical and Genealogical Register is the flagship journal of American genealogy and the oldest in the field. It focuses on authoritative compiled genealogies, with an emphasis on New England. Typical articles also solve genealogical problems, identify immigrant origins, or present treatments of multiple generations.
Pennsylvania Archives
Second Series. This 19-volume series contains varied and diverse materials; militia rolls and church records are prominent; minutes of the Board of War and those of the Navy Board, both of 1777; and much on the Wyoming Controversy with Connecticut and on the Whiskey Insurrection. Edited by John B. Linn and Dr. William Henry Egle through Volume XII, and by Dr. Egle alone for the remainder of the series. Issued 1874-1890.
1899. -
Third Series: This 30-volume series includes militia rolls, lists of land warranties and taxables, and materials of a more general nature, such as a discussion of Virginia's claims to western Pennsylvania and an account of the Donation Lands. It was edited by Dr. Egle (I-XXVI), with four index volumes edited by Dr. George Edward Reed. It was issued from 1894 to 1899.
Fifth Series: This eight-volume series includes muster rolls and other military lists, chiefly from the provincial and revolutionary periods. Some are reprinted with greater accuracy and neatness from the Second and Third Series, and certain of the others are taken from sources outside official custody. It was edited by Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery and issued in 1906.:
Sixth Series: This 14-volume series continues the printing of military rolls, covering chiefly the period from the Revolution to the War of 1812, including militia rolls for the years of peace, with some material as late as the Mexican War. There are also a few orderly books, military accounts for the 1812 period, and papers non-military in nature, notable church records of marriages and baptisms, inventories of estates confiscated during the Revolution, and scattering 18-century election returns. The final volume, XV, bound in two thick parts, contains an index to the Fifth Series. Edited by Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery and issued 1906-1907.
Seventh Series: The five volumes of this series consist exclusively of an index to the more than one million names found in the first 14 volumes of the Sixth Series. The Seventh Series was intended to include in additional volumes the Executive Minutes, which later were published as the Ninth Series, but publication halted with the death of L.R. Kelker, Custodian of Public Records, in 1915. It was compiled by Kelker and his assistants in the Division of Public Records under the direction of Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery and issued in 1914.
Periodicals: Historical & Genealogical Societies
Reverand Joseph Brown Turner Collection
Genealogical notes and correspondence concerning about 3,000 New England families. Includes 647 fiche.
Richard and June Ross Cornwall, England Collection
Surname Societies
Approximately 1,200
13 file cabinets​​