To Make Your Experience Successful
Plan Your Library Visit
Knowing what you want to research when you arrive at the Southern California Genealogical Society Family Research Library will make your time here more productive. Our online catalog can be searched remotely, so you can list items you'd like to see before you come. Here are additional guidelines for how to make the most of your time at SCGS.
Before You Arrive
The SCGS facility is on a single level, so the library and all facilities are accessible.
Free and accessible street parking is usually available near the front door.
Two restrooms and a classroom/lunchroom are available. A refrigerator and microwave oven are available for patron use.
Download and print a map of the SCGS library along with our call numbers to familiarize yourself with the facilities' layout.
The SCGS collection is non-circulating.
Library admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted.
SCGS interest groups meet regularly to further their members' knowledge and genealogical expertise. Sessions are usually both onsite and online/hybrid. Consider planning your visit to connect with these experienced SCGS colleagues. Meetings are listed on our calendar of events.
If you would like specialist research assistance, SCGS offers services for an hourly fee.
When You Arrive
Visitors are asked to sign the check-in book at the welcome desk. Please indicate your membership affiliation.
You may bring laptops, tablets, and necessary research papers into the library.
Librarians are pleased to offer library tours to help you get acquainted with the arrangement and organization.
While at the Library
Please use pencils for your notes to avoid accidental ink damage to the collection.
The research area has numerous desktop computers for public use, complimentary wireless Internet access, microfiche and microfilm readers, and a printer/scanner. Consider bringing a thumb drive to download items of interest to take home.
Various genealogy-specific software is installed on the library's computers.
A printer/scanner is provided for visitors. Paper copies are charged at 25 cents per page. Unless materials are designated as Fragile, you may also use personal wand scanners, USB drives, and smartphones to capture images at no cost.
When removing books from the shelves, please insert a yellow "Shelf Place Marker" in its place. When you have finished, place books and materials you've used on the "Reshelve Cart" near the rear Librarians' desk rather than reshelving them yourself.
You are welcome to enjoy your food and beverages in the class/lunchroom area or outside of the library area.
We hope you enjoy your visit!