The Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-So Cal hosted historian and genealogist John P. Schmal at its meeting on Saturday, February 1, at the SCGS Family Research Library in Burbank. John's lecture, presented in person and virtually, was “Searching for Your Indigenous California Roots.” After his talk, several attendees crowded around him with their own questions, which he generously took time to address.
Searching for Your Indigenous California Roots
John discussed the many dimensions of exploring indigenous roots during his presentation. Pointing out the value of the California Mission records, he explored techniques and resources available to explore online. These include the Mission Records and the Huntington Library’s California Early Population Project. John also discussed the value of National Archives and in locating Indigenous ancestors.
If you're looking for opportunities to learn more about Hispanic ancestry or network with other family historians, GSHA-SC is a large and active group. Consider becoming a member; it's only $30 per year.