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Italian Citizenship by Descent: What You Need to Know

Rocco Hindman

Buon giorno a tutti!

Please mark your calendar for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Southern California Genealogical Society's Italian Interest Group on Saturday, March 15, at 10 a.m. PDT, when we will be joined again by attorney and Italian citizenship expert Marco Permunian.

Joining us live from Italy, Marco will discuss the general requirements and process of obtaining Italian citizenship by descent (jus sanguinis) and explain a recent court ruling that might affect one's eligibility for Italian citizenship.

Are you interested in learning more about Italian citizenship by descent? Join SCGS Italian Interest Group members as Marco navigates the process of acquiring Italian citizenship based on having a direct bloodline to an Italian ancestor. Many of our IIG members are interested in Italian citizenship by descent, and Marco is generously offering to share his expertise with us. Whether you are curious about your eligibility, considering applying for dual citizenship, or want to know more about this process, please attend the online meeting and bring your questions for the Q&A session with Marco.

Prepare Your Questions for the Q&A

After our conversation with Marco, time will be allocated for an open discussion period during which group members can ask questions of one another, offer assistance to those who may need it, and share other topics of interest regarding our Italian and Italian American family history. If you recently made an interesting discovery or have a useful resource to share with others, please come prepared to "show and tell."

How to Register

This meeting will be conducted online using Zoom. You do not need a paid Zoom subscription to participate.

Join the meeting in one of two ways:

  1. If you have the Zoom program/app on your computer, click this link: and click the Launch Meeting button.

  2. To join by using the website, visit and enter the Meeting ID: 961 278 9862

About Our Speaker, Marco Permunian

Attorney Marco Permunian is an expert in jure sanguinis Italian citizenship cases. He received his law degree from the University of Ferrara in Italy. Founded in 1391, the University of Ferrara is located between Bologna and Venice in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy.

Marco is a highly experienced lawyer in Italy (registered with the Rovigo Bar Association) and the principal lawyer at the Italian Dual Citizenship law firm (IDC), which employs several professionals, including lawyers, genealogists, translators, and outside specialists.

Marcos oversees multiple levels of the IDC process, including retrieving ancestry records, analyzing complicated citizenship cases, providing legal advice, and finalizing all documents for submission. He brings extraordinary knowledge and experience in Italy's civil law procedures, immigration, and both Italian and United States citizenship law to our team. His knowledge base makes him such a valuable asset to our clients and team.

Marco comes from a family of Italian lawyers and has worked with law firms in Italy and the United States on a wide range of cases, including international transactions, commercial matters, and immigration.



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