Our hearts are with members and everyone impacted by Southern California's unprecedented fires and winds. We hope for the protection of residents, the first responders, homes, and animals.
We are incredibly grateful to the firefighters, volunteers, emergency service crews, non-profits, and all the neighbors who offer shelter, food, and water to those in need.

We hope you, your families, loved ones, and your homes are safe. Please respect mandatory
evacuation orders in your communities, and be careful as you travel on streets and freeways.
There is hope in communities as we help and lean on one another. In togetherness, we can persevere, recover, and rebuild.
'From Recovery to Resilience'
Caltech's Dr. Lucy Jones, who you know as the face of authority and calm during earthquakes, is the founder of the Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society. Working with both the public and private sectors, Dr. Jones seeks to increase communities’ ability to adapt and be resilient to the world's dynamic changes. The center aims to understand and communicate where the most significant vulnerabilities lie and what actions can be taken to reduce the most cost-effective risk. For insight into the center's goals, read its report, From Recovery to Resilience: Facing the Challenge of Increasing Wildland Fires in California.