The Southern California Genealogical Society publishes its own family history books, which are available from Amazon and our website. Stories are curated from a multitude of diverse contributions and entries received from our Writers Group and family history buffs from throughout the world.
Preserving Your Family Tales
Available on Amazon
Family stories give us a window to our own past, taking us to the different times, people, and situations that pave the long road from our farthest ancestors to modern day. They teach us that we come from a long line of survivors who have lived through tumultuous eras of human history. We hear tales of war as an impetus to emigration and as a source of pride in service. We hear tales of hard work, tales of tragedy, and tales of incredible perseverance. In all, we learn our own capacity for strength of character.
In this collection of family tales you'll find love, independence, and the occasional outlaw. We reveal long-hidden family secrets through the modern world of DNA testing and connect with newfound cousins. Preserving Your Family Tales, presented by the Southern California Genealogical Society, brings the hard-won experiences of the many cultures that form our collective past to life.

The Stars in Your Family Tree
Available on Amazon
This SCGS 2022 release features stories written by people from different countries and cultures to illustrate the richness of humankind. Our "star" ancestors were adventurous, athletic, charitable, compassionate, complicated, courageous, dedicated, hard-working, helpful, industrious, mysterious, patriotic, resilient, and wise. Perhaps you'll recognize some of your own family members in these unforgettable tales.

Celebrating Family History
Available on Amazon
The stories in this anthology were curated from the first five years of SCGS's Family History Writing Contest. Hundreds of stories were submitted from throughout the United States, Canada, and seven countries. These human-interest stories were so fascinating that we felt they deserved to be shared. The result is this collection of character sketches, immigrant struggles, regional tales, and stories of pioneers, settlers, memoirs, and humor.