Opportunities to Get Involved
Special-Interest Groups
There's a certain power in connecting with people who "get" you. SCGS has a long history of supporting several special-interest genealogical groups. Some gather at our Family Resource Library in Burbank, while others meet online for virtual or hybrid meetings and discussions. Whether it's a shared passion for ethnic ancestors, exploring genealogical software, or genetic genealogy, new members are always welcome.
All groups are free. Meeting times and dates are subject to change; check the calendar for updates.

SCGS sponsors and supports many ethnic interest groups that reflect our region's the rich diversity. New members are always welcome. All group meetings are free to attend, in person at the Research Library in Burbank, in a hybrid format, or online. Meeting times and dates are subject to change; check the calendar for meeting dates and times.

Curious about genealogical software programs like Family Tree Maker or Roots Magic? We may have a group for you to learn more about it! New users are encouraged to join; all levels are welcome!
Check the calendar for meeting dates and times.

Do you want to learn more about DNA and genetic genealogy? Have you written family histories but would like to discuss them with others who do the same thing? SCGS hosts General-Interest Groups that may include just what you're looking for!​